New comment by lissine0 on void-packages repository Comment: Hi, it also works for me on x86_64-glibc A problem I have (which exists before this update), is that by default, the emojis are displayed in black and white, and many emojis sent by other users can't be decyphered. (I have the freetype package installed.) ![default]( ![default]( Installing font-awesome6 gave me more black and white emojis And installing noto-fonts-emoji or font-emoji-one-color gave me a lot of colored emojis font-emoji-one-color: ![font-emoji-one-color_1]( ![font-emoji-one-color_2]( noto-fonts-emoji: (which is the emoji font shown in the official screenshots ) ![noto-fonts-emoji_1]( ![noto-fonts-emoji_2]( What do you think? should we add noto-fonts-emoji as a dependency? (I think it looks better than font-emoji-one-color) Or is this issue only in my setup? (I have emojis working correctly on Firefox)