Closed issue by ysk81 on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Voild 5.19.13_1 x86-64 ### Package(s) Affected apache-ant-1.10.12_1 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? _No response_ ### Expected behaviour auto download "" file during build amd complete building pkg. ### Actual behaviour build script fails with sha-256 checksum mismatch error for file "". Tried to download file via wget and figured the downloaded size is twice the reported file size from ftp server. Tried again with --no-passive-ftp and this time size was correct. Coppied the downloaded file to /buildder/apache-ant-1.10.12/?/.ant/tempcache/ and ran ./xbps-src -N pkg apache-ant again. This time build was successfull. So, if we can have build script to not use passive ftp, the problem might be solved. ### Steps to reproduce xbps-src -N pkg apache-ant