Closed issue by markmcb on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 6.2.2_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate rFFFF ### Package(s) Affected lxd-5.9_2 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? ### Expected behaviour lxc launch images:archlinux testcreate-arch ... this should create a new Arch Linux container. (OS is irrelevant.) ### Actual behaviour lxc launch images:archlinux testcreate-arch Creating testcreate-arch Error: Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Failed to run: btrfs qgroup create 0/1868 /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/default/images/c49a37117b5443dad3226d43b224dae38ff9ccb1694c753d66f377 8e34ff8ec6: exit status 1 (ERROR: unable to create quota group: File exists) ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install lxd/lxc on a few months old Void 2. Update to 6.2 kernel (with btrfs-progs changes) 3. Try to create a new container