New comment by SpidFightFR on void-packages repository Comment: > I just installed `Vulkan-Tools-` just to test this, and: > > `export MANGOHUD=1` `mangohud vkcube-wayland` > > OUTPUT: `Cannot connect to wayland.` `Exiting ...` > > Given that `exec dbus-update-activation-environment DISPLAY XAUTHORITY WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP` is run after launching the `sway` WM, this cannot be pinpointed to a non-exorted $DISPLAY variable of sors. > > Based on limited evidence, I would be leaning upon a bug into `MangoHUD`, which is kinda of a shame, because version `MangoHud-0.7.2_1` fixed most of my problems with `MangoHUD` not working at all. > > Anyone else testing this, remember to check the manpages to understand why `export MANGOHUD=1` needs to be run. > > I will retest later with `MANGOHUD=1` added to `env` at login. thanks for your analysis, i agree with you. as a consequence, i'll close this thread as "wont fix" since it's not a voidlinux bug. The issue in the mangohud project is linked above. Take care.