New comment by piekay on void-packages repository Comment: > Thanks.. I have tried 2 times, the browser did not crash and I could see the website, these messages appeared in the terminal window (after closing firefox): > > ``` > haheute@uboot ~ % firefox -safe-mode > console.error: ({}) > JavaScript warning:, line 189: Script terminated by timeout at: > z@ > RA@ > SA/<@ > > Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt (t=27.5005) [GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt > ``` > > ``` > haheute@uboot ~ % firefox -safe-mode > console.error: ({}) > JavaScript warning:, line 189: Script terminated by timeout at: > z@ > RA@ > SA/<@ > ``` Safe mode launches the browser without extensions or themes, so your problem is probably a faulty extension or theme