New comment by zlice on void-packages repository Comment: > This is a massive and far-reaching PR. I think we should scale it back: Updating this or making another PR with a ffmpeg6 package should be easy enough, but I can't really test ffmpeg(4)+ffmpeg6 without a reinstall. Hope to make a new PC when ryzen 9000 drops. From what I remember talking with paper a while back I recall there was something that made switching that way (ffmpeg+ffmpeg6) a no-go or harder to do. Would you make 4 depend on 6 and use the binaries for ffmpeg/ffprobe/etc from ffmpeg6 ? Would that mess with dependencies or keeping a plain 'ffmpeg' package? It looks closer to 10% ffmpeg4 to me, lower when flowblade and idjc are updated and mlt can be removed. Should just be old or dead packages left. **probably 4 'forever'** - vlc 4.x release (not ffmpeg4) is ultra slow - olive should be axed i think - qtox git is archived - moc is old and probably dead - kodi hasn't been touched in 10 years, not sure it compiles at all **6 compatible** - tvheadend release is slow - qtav has another fork - mediastreamer/linphone stuff i wanted to stay away from but probably possible - deadbeef needs some newer packages for update, doable same as linphone - hedgewars + ffmpeg6 built fine with What helps/hurts doing the big qt/gtk/electron stuff upfront vs after other packages that use ffmpeg6? Either way seems like no one will be able to update cleanly for a good while. More of a pain for the build process? Or do you see the ffmpeg PR being picked at and slowly added? Should be able to get on irc this week if that's easier to talk over. Recovering from massive jetlag.