New comment by Naia-love on void-packages repository Comment: > Ok so i tried it, a few notes, proposed fix forgot to mention that the proton command needed an additional argument and some environment variables setup to work correctly, the actual command ended up looking something like this for me > ``` > $STEAM_PATH/reaper -- $STEAM_PATH/steam-launch-wrapper -- $PROTON_PATH/proton run $APP_BIN > ` I dont know why you had to do that. I did the setup like monday to play and i didnt do anything than copy the command steam run, delete the v2 entry point part of it (and put in " " for the proton part as its proton 9 and it have a space in it path :^) > However this did not fix anything, i tested it with Insurgency Sandstorm, kicked from the match 5 minutes after start by EAC > > Gonna try with VRChat later, but dont have much hope for it to work :L Vrchat worked fine for me last time I tried. And i played elden ring online litteraly yesterday its maybe because of what you changed?