New comment by uhohspaghetios on void-packages repository Comment: I am going to disagree with you there. I get this error when setting the dnssec option in dnsmasq.conf > % doas dnsmasq -u dnsmasq -g dnsmasq > > dnsmasq: unsupported option (check that dnsmasq was compiled with DHCP/TFTP/DNSSEC/DBus support) at line 6 of /usr/share/dnsmasq/trust-anchors.conf My dnsmasq.conf file: > conf-file=/usr/share/dnsmasq/trust-anchors.conf > dnssec > strict-order > no-resolv > server=::1#53000 > listen-address=::1 > no-dhcp-interface=::1 > bind-interfaces > no-hosts > cache-size=1000 I took a look at the template file. I see the build option to build with DNSSEC support, but apparently that is not happening. From the template: > build_options="dnssec" > desc_option_dnssec="Enable DNSSEC support via nettle" What calls that build option to be set?