New comment by voidisnull on void-packages repository Comment: Sure But can you help me with it, I have created the template for plattenalbum as ``` # Template file for 'plattenalbum' pkgname=plattenalbum version=2.2.1 revision=1 build_style=meson hostmakedepends="gettext pkg-config glib-devel gtk4-update-icon-cache desktop-file-utils" makedepends="gtk4-devel libadwaita-devel python3-devel" depends="python3-mpd2 python3-gobject gtk4 libadwaita" short_desc="Simple music browser for MPD" maintainer="Orphaned " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="$version.tar.gz" checksum=38495a0989f3a5b8049e2ec0a17bfb94ea60ab892ec001ac2f12a9e9a6c4f80b ```

With this template I'm getting an errors When I build this for x86_64, I get this error which I have no idea about ``` => ERROR: plattenalbum-2.2.1_1: failed to install target dependencies! (error 8) soundtouch-2.3.2_1: broken, unresolvable shlib `' Transaction aborted due to unresolved shlibs. => ERROR: Please see above for the real error, exiting... ``` I have tried to add soundtouch-devel but it doesn't makes any difference