New comment by jozzsi on void-packages repository Comment: @Vaelatern Thanks for helping debugging this issue that probably has been there over 10 years. I will need more help as I am not yet able to reproduce this environment in the dracut test suite. 1./ Can you please confirm that omitting nfs module (e.g. `-o nfs` on command line or `omit_dracutmodules+=" nfs "` in a dracut config file a workaround ? Does void-mklive needs nfs module to function properly ? 2./ Speculatively would commenting out the following line in `` resolve it/make a difference ? ``` #[[ "$dracutsysrootdir" ]] || [[ "$noexec" ]] || export DRACUT_RESOLVE_LAZY="1" ``` The goal is to make sure that `DRACUT_RESOLVE_LAZY` is NOT set.