New comment by xavierfortier1 on void-packages repository Comment: Hey, so I looked into that and this is what I came up with. I have tested it a little bit and it worked. If you would like to maintain the package, here is the template (simply change the `maintainer` and make a PR): ```bash # Template file for 'play-timer' pkgname=play-timer version=2.0.3 revision=1 build_style=go build_helper="gir" go_package="./cmd" go_build_tags="wayland" hostmakedepends="gobject-introspection pkg-config wayland-devel" makedepends="glib-devel wayland-devel alsa-lib-devel graphene-devel cairo-devel pango-devel gdk-pixbuf-devel gtk4-devel libadwaita-devel" short_desc="Timer app for Linux desktop" maintainer="name " license="MIT" homepage="" changelog="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=00045e7d0133ad911c4ddcc66af2075402bb3f96262045f9cabedb6b6f6f8a59 do_build() { go build -tags "${go_build_tags}" -o "${GOPATH}/bin/${pkgname}" ${go_package} } post_install() { vlicense LICENSE.txt LICENSE local _glibname="io.github.efogdev.mpris-timer" vinstall "misc/${_glibname}.desktop" 644 usr/share/applications vinstall "misc/${_glibname}.metainfo.xml" 644 usr/share/metainfo vinstall "misc/${_glibname}.gschema.xml" 644 usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas vinstall "internal/ui/res/icon.svg" 644 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps "${_glibname}.svg" } ``` Otherwise, I can maintain it. I'll make the PR and it will eventually land in the repo. In the meantime, you can compile it on your system and use it.