New comment by Frtzqe on void-packages repository Comment: It would be nice if the meta package `lxqt` would help with installing necessary Xorg dependencies. Now, it does not. Installing just `xorg-minimal`, what one should expect as a good minimal starting point is not enough. Fonts are missing. I did not bother checking which packages need to be installed, but installing `xorg` instead seems to solve that problem. Besides that I have a real problem with activating an icon theme. My points: 1) ensure that the minimum required Xorg related packages are handled by "just" installing the `lxqt` meta package (what is the use of a meta package, if it does not deliver i.e. does not check for bare minimum things?) 2) why after installing e.g. the `papirus-icon-theme` package, and select that theme in the appearance widget in LXQt, nothing happens? 3) It would also be very wise that the `lxqt` meta package takes care of linking LXQt as session, so that e.g. `sddm` is able to pick it up. For now, adding a new file ~/.xinitrc with `exec startlxqt` will suffice (so that LXQt can be started with `$ startlxqt`) , but newcomers will not understand this. I am not quite sure about the third point. Better ignore that for now. Thx.