New issue by Wychmire on void-packages repository Description: Releases are at I tried to make my own template file, but I don't know enough about xbps-src to get it working. Here's what I have, maybe it can speed things up a bit ```shell # Template file for 'oilshell' pkgname=oilshell version=0.6.0 revision=2 wrksrc=oil-${version} #archs="i686 x86_64" build_style=gnu-configure hostmakedepends="gcc" makedepends="bash make readline" #depends="" short_desc="Oil, a new unix shell." maintainer=" <>" license="Apache" homepage="" distfiles="https://${pkgname}.org/download/oil-${version}.tar.xz" checksum=141e3a5c1997a696d65747966978aaa38921d77e303aad9e77b4ab4aedab84b7 do_configure() { ./configure --prefix=/usr } do_build() { make } do_install() { vbin _bin/oil.ovm } ``` And I wrote a working Arch PKGBUILD which might also be useful: ```shell pkgname=oilshell pkgver=0.6.0 pkgrel=3 license=('Apache') pkgdesc="Oil, a new unix shell" makedepends=( 'wychmire-devel' 'readline') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="" source=("$pkgver.tar.xz") install=oilshell.install sha256sums=('141e3a5c1997a696d65747966978aaa38921d77e303aad9e77b4ab4aedab84b7') provides=('oilshell') conflicts=('oilshell') build() { cd "oil-$pkgver" ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-readline make } package() { cd "oil-$pkgver" # the install script doesn't support DESTDIR install -Dm755 _bin/oil.ovm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/oil.ovm" ln -s /usr/bin/oil.ovm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/osh" ln -s /usr/bin/oil.ovm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/oshc" # for some reason osh expects itself to be in /usr/local/bin mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/local/bin" ln -s "$pkgdir/usr/bin/oil.ovm" "$pkgdir/usr/local/bin/osh" } ``` (oilshell.install contains a simple script that checks if /usr/bin/osh exists in /etc/shells, and if not it adds it there)