New issue by glaubersm on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: Void 5.1.16_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rrFFF * package: kdegraphics-thumbnailers 19.04.2_1 ffmpegthumbs 19.04.2_1 ### Expected behavior thumbnailers always work with Dolphin ### Actual behavior Dolphin never generates thumbnails of PDF files even if such feature is enabled in Dolphin settings. Thumbnails of videos files and png files are not generated if such files are located in Home or in root path of a partition. Dolphin generates the thumbs of the same video and png files if they are located in a folder instead of in Home or root path of a partition These problems were solved on my system after I install ghostscript package. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior install Void with KDE Plasma desktop environment install dolphin, kdegraphics-thumbnailers and ffmpegthumbs packages. enable preview of videos, pdf and pictures in Dolphin settings click "View" menu of Dolphin and check "Preview" store a mkv video, a pdf and a png file in your Home Result: Dolphin generates no thumbnail Now create a new folder in your Home copy/move the mkv, pdf and png files to the just created fodler and open such folder Result: now Dolphin generates the thumbnail of all files