New issue by am11 on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: `Void 4.9.184-linuxkit x86_64-musl GenuineIntel uptodate rF` * package: base-minimal ### Expected behavior A base installation of Void Linux, in both glibc and musl-libc editions, has the tool called ldconfig, which helps applications and other tools to find out which system libraries are installed. `ldconfig` does pretty much nothing on musl-libc based systems. The alternative is scanelf for musl-libc, which pax-utils package provides. In minimal Alpine Linux installation, pax-utils is included. The expectation from Void Linux (musl-libc edition) is also to have pax-utils as part of minimal install (docker scenario). ### Actual behavior There is no usable tools available in base-minimal for system-library introspection. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior glibc case ```sh docker run -it voidlinux/voidlinux dash # glibc edition ldconfig -NvX # lists the installed system libraries ``` musl-libc ```sh docker run -it voidlinux/voidlinux-musl dash # glibc edition ldconfig -NvX # returns nothing # it's pretty much a no-op on musl, alternative is 'scanelf' scanelf dash: 2: scanelf: not found xbps-install -S xbps-install pax-utils scanelf --ldpath -BF '%f' # lists the installed system libraries ```