New issue by sunaku on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: `Void 5.3.7_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate FF` * package: erlang-22.1.5_1 ```sh $ xbps-query -R erlang architecture: x86_64 build-date: 2019-10-29 17:43 UTC build-options: ~x11 filename-sha256: 4e1167e119b88e11bf89676050eb6b1c3814bd7a656194083ab556af926b2b5b filename-size: 35MB homepage: installed_size: 99MB license: Apache-2.0 maintainer: Leah Neukirchen pkgver: erlang-22.1.5_1 repository: shlib-requires: short_desc: Concurrent functional programming language developed by Ericsson source-revisions: erlang:a4c19e5cc9d ``` ### Expected behavior Running `observer:start().` inside `erl` should launch [the Observer GUI](, as pictured here: ![Observer]( ### Actual behavior Running `observer:start().` inside `erl` emits an error about a missing wxWidgets driver: ``` ERROR: Could not find '' in: /usr/lib/erlang/lib/wx-1.8.9/priv ``` ### Steps to reproduce the behavior ```sh $ erl Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.5.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] Eshell V10.5.3 (abort with ^G) 1> observer:start(). =ERROR REPORT==== 29-Oct-2019::17:13:15.528183 === ERROR: Could not find '' in: /usr/lib/erlang/lib/wx-1.8.9/priv {error,{{load_driver,"No driver found"}, [{wxe_server,start,1,[{file,"wxe_server.erl"},{line,65}]}, {wx,new,1,[{file,"wx.erl"},{line,115}]}, {observer_wx,init,1,[{file,"observer_wx.erl"},{line,107}]}, {wx_object,init_it,6,[{file,"wx_object.erl"},{line,372}]}, {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3, [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]}} 2> =CRASH REPORT==== 29-Oct-2019::17:13:15.528368 === crasher: initial call: wxe_master:init/1 pid: <0.87.0> registered_name: [] exception error: {load_driver,"No driver found"} in function wxe_util:priv_dir/2 (wxe_util.erl, line 265) in call from wxe_master:init/1 (wxe_master.erl, line 113) in call from gen_server:init_it/2 (gen_server.erl, line 374) in call from gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 342) ancestors: [<0.86.0>,observer,<0.83.0>] message_queue_len: 0 messages: [] links: [] dictionary: [] trap_exit: false status: running heap_size: 987 stack_size: 27 reductions: 2844 neighbours: =CRASH REPORT==== 29-Oct-2019::17:13:15.528724 === crasher: initial call: observer_wx:init/1 pid: <0.85.0> registered_name: observer exception exit: {{load_driver,"No driver found"}, [{wxe_server,start,1,[{file,"wxe_server.erl"},{line,65}]}, {wx,new,1,[{file,"wx.erl"},{line,115}]}, {observer_wx,init,1, [{file,"observer_wx.erl"},{line,107}]}, {wx_object,init_it,6, [{file,"wx_object.erl"},{line,372}]}, {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3, [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,249}]}]} in function wx_object:init_it/6 (wx_object.erl, line 385) ancestors: [<0.83.0>] message_queue_len: 0 messages: [] links: [] dictionary: [{'_wx_object_',{observer_wx,'_wx_init_'}}] trap_exit: false status: running heap_size: 610 stack_size: 27 reductions: 273 neighbours: =CRASH REPORT==== 29-Oct-2019::17:13:15.528566 === crasher: initial call: wxe_server:init/1 pid: <0.86.0> registered_name: [] exception error: {load_driver,"No driver found"} in function wxe_util:priv_dir/2 (wxe_util.erl, line 265) in call from wxe_master:init/1 (wxe_master.erl, line 113) in call from gen_server:init_it/2 (gen_server.erl, line 374) in call from gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 342) ancestors: [observer,<0.83.0>] message_queue_len: 0 messages: [] links: [] dictionary: [] trap_exit: false status: running heap_size: 610 stack_size: 27 reductions: 261 neighbours: ^C BREAK: (a)bort (c)ontinue (p)roc info (i)nfo (l)oaded (v)ersion (k)ill (D)b-tables (d)istribution ^C ```