There is a new pull request by bahamas10 against master on the void-packages repository dave-vsv New Package: vsv@1.3.2 Summary ====== This adds [vsv]( ([blog post intro]( This a bash wrapper around `sv` to add some fanciness to managing runit. Personal Testimony ---------------------------- I install `vsv` almost immediately on every void installation I make... I'd recommend giving it a quick try if you haven't for nothing more than to just get a quick summary with a simple command: ![2020-01-01_21:24:55_2560x1440_scrot]( Possible Issues --------------------- 1. The name: I made it `vsv` to stand for `Void Service Manager`. This is short-sighted at best as this can work on more than just Void - basically any OS that has runit and `sv` installed. Also, this isn't an *official* Void sanctioned piece of software. I haven't included `Void` in the name in the template and instead just left it as `vsv`... but I could see this potentially being an issue. 2. `vsv` is already used in this repo as one of the built in commands. I don't think this is a huge issue since aliases and bash/sh functions will always be preferred over external commands, but just something to note. 3. This doesn't meet the quality requirements in the contributing handbook - this software is not compiled. A patch file from is attached