There is a new pull request by Bendodroid against master on the void-packages repository Bendodroid-riot-desktop-1.5.6 riot-desktop: update to v1.5.6 + Questions Does what it says. As I am currently not using VoidLinux actively on my main machine and still don't fully grasp the whole electron build process, I am looking for a new maintainer who is more familiar with yarn and that stuff. How do I indicate that? And just out of interest, is anyone actually using riot-desktop on Void? Seeing the electron label here on github doesn't indicate high praise for electron in general among Void users. And even though I didn't update for several versions, not one person complained via email, so I assume that nobody would miss the package. There's a flatpak and a snap anyway. So I guess it wouldn't be a big thing to remove the package entirely. One fewer electron app, yay. A patch file from is attached