There is a new pull request by jdu9 against master on the void-packages repository monero-gui-fix monero-gui: add missing dep qt5-xmlpatterns `qt5-xmlpatterns` is needed during runtime, otherwise the program exits with the following error message: > 2020-01-06 23:28:27.122 W app startd (log: /home/user/.bitmonero/monero-wallet-gui.log) > 2020-01-06 23:28:27.124 W Qt:5.13.2 GUI:- | screen: 3840x2160 - dpi: 95.958 - ratio:1.08007 > 2020-01-06 23:28:27.251 W QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component > 2020-01-06 23:28:27.251 W qrc:/main.qml:1701 Type WizardLang unavailable > 2020-01-06 23:28:27.251 W qrc:/wizard/WizardLang.qml:32 module "QtQuick.XmlListModel" is not installed > 2020-01-06 23:28:27.251 E Error: no root objects A patch file from is attached