New issue by jirib on void-packages repository Description: aws-cli man pages should open when `aws help` is typed, but it does not as it depends on `groff` which is not its dependency. ### System * xuname: `Void 5.4.13_2 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rF` * package: `aws-cli-1.16.309_2` ### Expected behavior `aws s3 help` should work, open manual page ### Actual behavior `aws s3 help` not usable ### Steps to reproduce the behavior ``` $ xbps-query -x aws-cli python3-botocore>=0 python3-s3transfer>=0 python3-colorama>=0 python3-rsa>=0 python3-yaml>=0 python3-docutils>=0 $ aws --profile default s3 help Could not find executable named "groff" $ xbps-query -l | grep aws-cli ii aws-cli-1.16.309_2 Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services ```