There is a new pull request by q66 against master on the void-packages repository repocache-per-arch xbps-src: implement per-architecture repocache That means instead of having a single `hostdir/repocache`, there is now `hostdir/repocache-$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE`. This solves multiple problems: 1) When cross-compiling for different architectures and the repos for host and target differ, you will not get signature/checksum conflicts for noarch packages. 2) The `clean-repocache` command will not delete noarch packages that don't belong to that architecture. 3) Clean mixing of glibc and musl masterdirs with the same `hostdir` is now possible; even when building natively, the musl `masterdir` will use its `repocache-foo-musl`, while the `glibc` `masterdir` will use `repocache-foo`. A patch file from is attached