New issue by pullmoll on void-packages repository Description: ``` python3-gobject-3.32.2_2: collecting files...ERROR: python3-gobject-devel-3.32.2_2: file `/usr/include/pygobject-3.0/pygobject.h' already installed by package python-gobject-devel-3.32.2_1. ERROR: python3-gobject-devel-3.32.2_2: file `/usr/lib/pkgconfig/pygobject-3.0.pc' already installed by package python-gobject-devel-3.32.2_1. Transaction failed! see above for errors. ``` It seems `python-gobject` and `python3-gobject` install the same files and possibly `python-gobject` should use names like `pygobject2.h` and `pygobject2-3.0.pc` to avoid the conflict.