New issue by AngryPhantom on void-packages repository Description: Please, could someone fix **clipit** clipboard manager? Sorry, I don't know who's the maintainer so please tag him if you know. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. Install Void MATE 2. Install Clipit 3. Add it to autostart session ### Expected behavior Clipit should autostart within the session ### Actual behavior It doesn't autostart after adding via System - Preferences - Personal - Startup Applications. What's more interesting, it doesn't start even via Alt+F2 (Run Application). There will be no errors in .xsession-errors. I even edited /etc/xdg/autostart/clipit-startup.desktop adding MATE to «OnlyShowIn» string. Nothing. But... it starts from the console without any error/issue! And here is the commit which is (ta-dah!) in the [git repo]( since 2018! (thanks to our local Linux forum user). In the main.c: `if (!isatty(fileno(stdin)))` returns -1 In order to fix that we should remove pipe check or `return -1`. The thing is that the maintainer here takes the archive ([v1.4.4.tar.gz]( which doesn't contain the above mentioned commit. He should've simply cloned the git I guess. Thank you in advance! Stay safe, cheers.