New issue by mamins1376 on void-packages repository Description: I'm using Wayfire as display server. Trying to utilize any executable provided by `wf-shell` results in symbol lookup error. Maybe a linking error? * xuname: Void 5.4.28_1 x86_64 AuthenticAMD notuptodate rrrmFFFFFFF * package: wf-shell-0.3.1 (_notuptodate_ because I use a tier 2 mirror.) ### Expected behavior it should Just Work(TM). ### Actual behavior ``` $ wf-background wf-background: symbol lookup error: wf-background: undefined symbol: _ZN12wf_animation6circleE ``` Same also happens with both `wf-panel` and `wf-dock`. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. `# xbps-install wf-shell` 2. Use any binary provided by the package to see the results.