New issue by egrain on void-packages repository Description: ### System voidlinux, x86_64 musl. * package: mumble | 1.3.1 | 2 | musl | 4M | Open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat for gaming ### Expected behavior Connecting to the server. ### Actual behavior (Voidlinux) Client saying: Remote host closed connection. (Archlinux) Server saying: umurmurd[144061]: WARN: SSL handshake failed: -16512 ### Steps to reproduce the behavior Install a umurmur server on Archlinux and connect to it via mumble from a void musl machine. ### things I tried After I got the SSL handshake failed error, I did the whole Openssl create key/certifcate thing on the voidmachine, used these for the umurmur server instead, still no worky. Deleted the .config/Mumble/*.p12 certificates. Made new ones. Same result. Archlinux mumble clients connect fine though without issue in both cases (creating the key/cert files for the server with either openssl/libressl). Tomorrow I'll install an umurmur server on a voidmachine, to see if that works. Thanks for reading. Thanks for helping. I'm new here, don't bite my head off. Thanks.