New issue by Frick-David on void-packages repository Description: Hey there voiders, I am working with the creator of `liquidctl` to get it into a void linux package. The creator provided a template file for me to submit to help get it started. I hope to help maintain and get it going. The template we have is as follows: ``` # Template file for 'liquidctl' pkgname=liquidctl version=1.3.3 revision=1 archs=noarch build_style=python3-module hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools" depends="python3-setuptools python3-usb libusb python3-hidapi python3-docopt" short_desc="Monitor and control liquid coolers and other devices" maintainer="David Frick " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="" distfile="${PYPI_SITE}/l/liquidctl/liquidctl-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=d13180867e07420c5890fe1110e8f45fe343794549a9ed7d5e8e76663bc10c24 pre_build() { # upstream encourages the use of these env vars, at build time, to # customize the output of liquidctl --version export DIST_NAME="$(source /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")" export DIST_PACKAGE="$pkgname $version-$revision" } post_install() { vman liquidctl.8 for f in docs/*.md; do vdoc "$f" done } # liquidctl can be used as a CLI or as a Python module, but unsure on how to # split the packages, especially because the CLI is a setuptools script: # will generate the actual executable, a Python script that simply # calls liquidctl.cli.main python3-liquidctl_package() { depends="liquidctl>=${version}_${revision}" build_style=meta short_desc+=" (transitional dummy package)" } # TODO package trezor/cython-hidapi as python3-hidapi # QUESTION shouldn't python3-usb depend on libusb or another backend? # QUESTION does Void populate os-release $PRETTY_NAME with something useful? # QUESTION how should the split be handled? ``` Can I have someone help me review this, finialize it then help me set it up to wear I can maintain it? That would be much appreciated. Best, David