There is a new pull request by ahesford against master on the void-packages repository texlive xbps-triggers: silence warnings, unhelpful errors in texmf-dist @fosslinux, please let me know if there's a compelling reason not to merge these changes. User `notreal--` on IRC has complained about [TeXLive configuration errors]( when `texlive-minimal` is installed, and the warnings about missing inifiles spam the console. The texmf-dist trigger produces warnings about missing inifiles that are suppressed by adding the `--quiet` command-line argument. However, this still leaves errors about missing engines when texlive package are installed without texlive-LuaTeX and texlive-XeTeX. The command-line option `--no-error-if-no-engine` is used to suppress these errors about missing optional components. A patch file from is attached