New issue by Noah-Huppert on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: *output of ``xuname`` (part of xtools)* ``` Void 5.4.50_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rrrmFFFFFFFFFFF ``` * package: *affected package(s) including the version*: ``xbps-query -p pkgver `` ``` protobuf24-3.13.0_1 protobuf23-3.12.4_1 protobuf-3.13.0_1 ``` ### Expected behavior Upgrading protobufs (when upgrading my system via `xbps-install -Syu`) should not fail due to a newer version of protobufs providing the same binary which the older version provides. ### Actual behavior ``` % xbps-install -Syu ... protobuf24-3.13.0_1: collecting files... protobuf-3.13.0_1: collecting files... protobuf23-3.12.4_1: collecting files... ERROR: protobuf23-3.12.4_1: file `/usr/bin/protoc' already installed by package protobuf2 4-3.13.0_1. Transaction failed! see above for errors. ``` [full output]( It seems like it fails to upgrade from protobuf23 to protobuf24 bc they provide the same binary. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. Have `protobuf23` installed. 2. Try to upgrade to `protobuf24`