There is a new pull request by kartikynwa against master on the void-packages repository certbot-update-2 certbot: update to 1.8.0 Current repo version is throwing an error because `python3-acme` is outdated. Plus many of the depends and checkdepends are outdated. Here's the log of another branch where I have updated all the dependencies: ``` df54cd33b2 (HEAD -> certbot-update) certbot: update to 1.8.0. cfb41adfa5 python-cryptography: update to 3.1. 79993213e6 python-py: update to 1.9.0. 29779518c0 python-pytz: update to 2020.1. a5ac7eb1b0 python-wcwidth: update to 0.2.5. ab1783ad6b python3-ConfigArgParse: update to 1.2.3. ad5b0d0c02 python3-acme: update to 1.8.0. 2292941c56 python3-josepy: update to 1.4.0. 69c9e936f5 python3-more-itertools: update to 8.5.0. 919c095e6c python3-pytest: update to 6.0.2. 361ee4a60f python3-zope.component: update to 4.6.2. ``` If filing a PR is advisable for these then let me know (and if I should do them together or separately). For now, this PR fixes the `certbot` error at lease. A patch file from is attached