New issue by pullmoll on void-packages repository Description: I built new live ISOs with gcc10 compiled packages including the brand new gnome-3.38.0 For the first time the Gnome ISOs actually let you log in to the DE. If you find spare time to test and see if there are problems which may arise from gcc10 being used to build everything, please d/l and run [one or more of the Live ISOs]( from my site, be it in a VM or hardware. As a side note I also installed Void on my PBP now using the `void-pinebookpro-20200920.img.xz` available at this URL. It was a bit tedious to get all things I needed installed but now the `eMMC` has Void w/ xfce4 running instead of Manjaro. I need to try out the patched u-boot and SPI images from the net to try and boot from the m2.SSD which is said to be possible now.