New issue by ericonr on void-packages repository Description: The correct `localedir` is `/usr/share/locale`, which is respected on all glibc packages. Unfortunately, on musl some packages perform their own detection of what `localedir` to use, due to some really weird mechanisms, and end up putting those files into `/usr/lib/locale`. Since locale data isn't arch specific, it should be stored in `/usr/share`. For multilib systems, this also makes it so locale data only has to be installed once, in `/usr/share`, by the native package. @q66 scraped his repo for packages with files in `/usr/lib/locale`, which should be fixed, unless there are specific circumstances (`pcsx2` is one such example, since it can't be installed at all on 64-bit systems). - [ ] appdata-tools - [ ] ario - [ ] brasero - [ ] desmume - [ ] dia - [ ] exo - [ ] garcon - [ ] GConf - [ ] gconf-editor - [ ] gdmap - [ ] geeqie - [ ] gimp - [ ] gimp-lqr-plugin - [ ] gmpc - [ ] gnome-doc-utils - [ ] gnome-mime-data - [ ] gnome-mplayer - [ ] gnome-nettool - [ ] gnome-screensaver - [ ] gnome-system-log - [ ] gnumeric - [ ] goocanvas1 (will be removed in #27438 ) - [ ] gpicview - [ ] gtk+ - [ ] gtk2-engines - [ ] gtkpod - [ ] gtksourceview2 - [ ] gtkspell - [ ] gxmessage - [ ] homebank - [ ] leafpad - [ ] libcryptui - [ ] libglib-static - [ ] libgnomecanvas - [ ] libgnome-keyring - [ ] libgpod - [ ] libwnck2 - [ ] libxfce4ui - [ ] libxfce4util - [ ] lightdm-gtk-greeter - [ ] lxappearance-obconf - [ ] lxinput - [ ] lxlauncher - [ ] mousepad - [ ] orage - [ ] parcellite - [ ] parole - [ ] pcmanx-gtk2 - [ ] pidgin-libnotify - [ ] pidgin-otr - [ ] pidgin-privacy-please - [ ] pmount - [ ] polkit-gnome - [ ] pragha - [ ] ristretto - [ ] seahorse-nautilus - [ ] seahorse-sharing - [ ] spacefm - [ ] Thunar - [ ] thunar-archive-plugin - [ ] thunar-media-tags-plugin - [ ] thunar-volman - [ ] tilp2 - [ ] tumbler - [ ] udevil - [ ] ufraw - [ ] uget - [ ] viking - [ ] volumeicon - [ ] vte - [ ] vte290 - [ ] xdg-user-dirs-gtk - [ ] xfburn - [ ] xfce4-appfinder - [ ] xfce4-battery-plugin - [ ] xfce4-clipman-plugin - [ ] xfce4-cpufreq-plugin - [ ] xfce4-cpugraph-plugin - [ ] xfce4-dict - [ ] xfce4-diskperf-plugin - [ ] xfce4-fsguard-plugin - [ ] xfce4-genmon-plugin - [ ] xfce4-mailwatch-plugin - [ ] xfce4-mpc-plugin - [ ] xfce4-netload-plugin - [ ] xfce4-notifyd - [ ] xfce4-panel - [ ] xfce4-places-plugin - [ ] xfce4-power-manager - [ ] xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin - [ ] xfce4-screenshooter - [ ] xfce4-sensors-plugin - [ ] xfce4-session - [ ] xfce4-settings - [ ] xfce4-systemload-plugin - [ ] xfce4-taskmanager - [ ] xfce4-terminal - [ ] xfce4-time-out-plugin - [ ] xfce4-timer-plugin - [ ] xfce4-verve-plugin - [ ] xfce4-wavelan-plugin - [ ] xfce4-weather-plugin - [ ] xfce4-xkb-plugin - [ ] xfconf - [ ] xfdesktop - [ ] xfwm4 - [ ] xnoise - [ ] xournal - [ ] xsane