There is a new pull request by UsernameRandomlyGenerated against master on the void-packages repository yturl yturl: remove package Doesn't work anymore, unmaintained and unsupported since 2020. Developer advises to switch to youtube-dl. #### General - [ ] This is a new package and it conforms to the [quality requirements]( #### Have the results of the proposed changes been tested? - [ ] I use the packages affected by the proposed changes on a regular basis and confirm this PR works for me - [x] I generally don't use the affected packages but briefly tested this PR I've tried a lot of videos and yturl didn't seem to work for me at all. The error I got was: `Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/yturl", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/", line 147, in main itag_to_url_map = itags_for_video(args.video_id) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/", line 80, in itags_for_video streams = api_response['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'].split(',') KeyError: 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'` Which was not the only error that people reported in upstream, but upstream repository is archived now. A patch file from is attached