New issue by selfisekai on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: `Void 5.10.19_1 x86_64 AuthenticAMD uptodate rF` *output of ``xuname`` (part of xtools)* * package: (examples) * firefox-85.0.1_1 * chromium-88.0.4324.182_1 * keepassxc-2.6.4_1 * gimp-2.10.22_2 * krita-4.4.2_1 * vscode-1.53.2_1 * element-desktop-1.7.21_1 *affected package(s) including the version*: ``xbps-query -p pkgver `` ### Expected behavior 1. Install the app with xbps-install 2. It appears in the Applications ### Actual behavior 1. Install the app with xbps-install 2. Only a small number of applications appear in the Applications section, namely: * telegram-desktop-2.5.1_1 * sakura-3.7.1_1 * micro-2.0.8_1 ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. Install Void 2. Install MATE 3. Run mate-session 4. Install things