New issue by gt7-void on void-packages repository Description: For instance: my setup depends on `pactl` which works with `pipewire`. I couldn't find another tool which can replace some of the functionality of `pactl` (e.g. I use `pactl info`, `pactl list short sinks`, `pactl set-default-sink`, `pactl list short sink-inputs`, `pactl move sink-input`, etc. I guess some or all of those can be replaced combining `pw-dump`, `jq` and `pw-cli`, but it's a chore) Installing pulseaudio is a pain because it's sometimes difficult to avoid having it autolaunch, etc. As an example, debian has a `pulseaudio-utils` package ( which contains: ``` paplay - Playback a WAV file via a PulseAudio sink. pacat - Cat raw audio data to a PulseAudio sink. parec - Cat raw audio data from a PulseAudio source. pacmd - Connect to PulseAudio's built-in command line control interface. pactl - Send a control command to a PulseAudio server. padsp - /dev/dsp wrapper to transparently support OSS applications. pax11publish - Store/retrieve PulseAudio default server/sink/source settings in the X11 root window. ``` I would be content with `pactl`, the others (`paplay`, `pacat`, `parec`) seem to have equivalent included with pipewire (`pw-play`, `pw-cat`, `pw-record`). I don't know about `padsp` or what `pax11publish` is supposed to do. I know `pacmd` does _not_ work with `pipewire`.