New issue by st3r4g on void-packages repository Description: I'm opening this one because I realized our packaging is wrong wrt pipewire and bluetooth. This error should not be there. This is upstream default policy: ``` with-pulseaudio = [ with-audio bluez5 restore-stream streams-follow-default ] ``` which means: load the bluetooth plugin when pulseaudio functionality is installed, and we install pulseaudio functionality by default. Two possibilities: 1) Stay with upstream policy and add `libspa-bluetooth` to `depends`. This however adds unwanted dependencies for users not using bluetooth. 2) Change the policy (it should be fine as a distro) into: ``` with-bluetooth = [ bluez5 ] with-pulseaudio = [ with-audio restore-stream streams-follow-default ] ``` And provide an additional package `pipewire-bluetooth` that install the bluetooth plugin and the `with-bluetooth` file. I could try to propose this policy to upstream, if it's a good idea. [3) For now, simply wait for configuration to stabilize, since things could change?] Related: #29570 cc @ericonr