New issue by notthewave on void-packages repository Description: Blender does not find opencolorio and therefore filmic cant be used. I tried to find the cause of this Problem and discovered that it's disabled at compile time because opencolorio-devel is not found. It's enabled in the template, though. * xuname: *Void 5.12.17_1 x86_64-musl GenuineIntel uptodate rDFFFF* * package: *affected package(s) including the version*: ``blender-2.93.0_1`` ### Expected behavior Blender finds opencolorio and can use the filmic ### Actual behavior Blender does not find opencolorio and filmic can't be used and reports: ``` Color management: using fallback mode for management Color management: Error could not find role data role. ``` on startup ### Steps to reproduce the behavior