New issue by FatmanUK on void-packages repository Description: ### System $ xuname Void 5.3.9_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rrrrmmnFFFFFFFFF $ xbps-query -p pkgver vault vault-1.8.1_1 ### Expected behavior Web UI loads. ### Actual behavior Error: "Vault UI is not available in this binary." ### Steps to reproduce the behavior \# xbps-install vault Follow Hashicorp tutorial to learn Vault and start the service. Connect to localhost:8200 with curl or Chromium. Similar issues: (but I'm not using homebrew, I'm using server mode and I unsealed manually) (again not using homebrew) I'm trying to fork the package but I have a lot of learning to do about go packages. I'm hoping you'll be able to fix this trivially.