There is a new pull request by tornaria against master on the void-packages repository gmpy2 python3-gmpy2: restore package Upstream 2.1.0rc1 builds on python3.10. This package is used by python3-mpmath for multiprecission arithmetic. If not installed, mpmath defaults to python bigints which are very slow. For example: compute 1M digits of pi using sympy: $ isympy # without python3-gmpy2 In [1]: %time a=pi.n(1_000_000) CPU times: user 49.4 s, sys: 2.96 ms, total: 49.4 s Wall time: 49.4 s vs. $ isympy # with python3-gmpy2 In [1]: %time a=pi.n(1_000_000) CPU times: user 632 ms, sys: 5.99 ms, total: 638 ms Wall time: 639 ms Note that just installing python3-gmpy2 brings this improvement. Arguably python3-gmpy2 could be made a dependency of python3-mpmath. This reverts commit f91cea99ddace872a5cdf0ae5d93fcc15b2f3191. Also: - fix hostmakedepends - make tests work - adopt A patch file from is attached