New issue by tornaria on void-packages repository Description: Steps to reproduce: - install `pinfo` - run `pinfo bash` - move down to some menu entry and hit `` - The status bar reads "Tag table is corrupt, trying to fix... (press a key to continue)" I've no idea of the format for info files, but looking at the tag table at the end of `/usr/share/info/` it seems the byte address for a given node is incorrect. Example: ``` Node: What is Bash?^?3029 ``` which I take to mean this node starts at byte address 3029, but in fact it starts at byte address 3020 or 3021 (definitely not 3029). All the tag table seems to be wrong in this sense, the offset from the "right" byte address seems to be more for later entries. I compared the tag table for other info files (e.g. ``) and they seem to match perfectly in contrast to `` so I guess my understanding is not incorrect and `` seems wrong for some reason.