New issue by hasufell on void-packages repository Description: In an empty docker container, I install `bash` and `alacritty-terminfo`, but the latter seems to fail part of the install stage, suggesting dependencies are not correctly declared for this subpackage. ``` # xbps-install alacritty-terminfo Name Action Version New version Download size alacritty-terminfo install - 0.9.0_1 3281B Size to download: 3793B Size required on disk: 4930B Space available on disk: 194GB Do you want to continue? [Y/n] [*] Downloading packages alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 18MB/s] alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1.x86_64.xbps: 3281B [avg rate: 112MB/s] alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1: unpacking ... [*] Configuring unpacked packages alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1: configuring ... /tmp/.xbps-script-DuhzIC: 34: tic: not found alacritty-terminfo-0.9.0_1: installed successfully. 1 downloaded, 1 installed, 0 updated, 1 configured, 0 removed. ``` ### System voidlinux/voidlinux docker image c26f06f5f5c5 ### Expected behavior Installation and scripts succeed, pulling in `ncurses` as a dependency. ### Actual behavior Installation succeeds, script fails, ncurses needs to be installed afterwards and then alacritty-terminfo force-reinstalled. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. `docker run -ti --rm voidlinux/voidlinux sh` 2. `xbps-install bash alacritty-terminfo`