New issue by HiPhish on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: `Void 5.15.6_1 x86_64 AuthenticAMD notuptodate rrmFFF` * package: *affected package(s) including the version*: `appmenu-gtk-module-0.7.6_1`, `appmenu-gtk3-module-0.7.6_1` ### Expected behavior The GTK module should work. ### Actual behavior The module does not work, starting an application prints the following to standard output: ``` $ gimp (gimp:20057): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 01:13:46.321: Settings schema 'org.appmenu.gtk-module' is not installed ``` Manually adding the schema file from the upstream repository to `/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/` and then executing `sudo glib-compile-schemas` fixes the issue. I don't know much about XBPS, but from this I figure that the schema file should be copied over as part of the installation process and that the schema compilation needs to be carried out. If someone can point me in the right direction I could give a try fixing the build script.