New issue by austinrojers on void-packages repository Description: * xuname: Void 5.15.5_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate hold rFFF * package: usbmuxd-1.1.1_1 ### Expected behaviour The package should enable USB tether and other functionalities of an iPhone in Linux. ### Actual behaviour I have been trying to connect to my iPhone for USB tethering, **but no matter what, Void Linux won't detect it**. It has always worked in all other Linux distros without any issues, and I am using it in my Garuda and Ubuntu installation daily. I have also added _usbmuxd_ to `/var/service`. But no matter what, the _usbmuxd_ service won't start on boot. Here's my console output of `sudo sv status /var/service/*` I even tried: `sudo sv restart usbmuxd` & `sudo sv up usbmuxd` But it won't work I also have _libimobiledevice_ and _ifuse_ installed. ### Steps to reproduce the behaviour You can check it by connecting an iPhone through USB and trying USB tethering/USB hotspot.