New issue by tornaria on void-packages repository Description: ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. install package `jupyterlab` 2. run `jupyter-lab` in a terminal (as a regular user fwiw) 3. an error pops up both in the terminal and in a browser: ``` [E 2022-02-01 09:38:05.353 LabApp] JupyterLab application assets not found in "/usr/share/jupyter/lab" [E 2022-02-01 09:38:05.353 LabApp] Please run `jupyter lab build` or use a different app directory ``` I was able to workaround by creating my own app directory as follows: ``` $ mkdir ~/lab $ jupyter lab build --app-dir=~/lab ``` and then run jupyter lab as ``` $ jupyter lab --app-dir=~/lab ``` Beware: this will take some time and bring up (download I guess?) ~400M of nodejs stuff. I'm not sure one would want to ship that inside the xbps, maybe give some warning or instructions to the user? Cc: @dkwo