New issue by bluej99 on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: *Void 5.15.19_1 x86_64* * package: *chromium-97.0.4692.99_1* ### Expected behavior Chromium should contain all of its dependencies and should start with the flag --ozone-platform-hint=auto on a wayland-only machine ### Actual behavior a trace/breakpoint error ### Steps to reproduce the behavior install chromium and run it on the command line ### SOLUTION I tried everything, put my user in all possible groups, updated fontconfigs, etc. The actual solution was to have Electron13 installed on my system. This happened by accident as I happened to install vscode this morning, which depends on Electron13. Now, chromium starts without a hitch on wayland natively. Running xbps-query -x chromium does NOT have Electron as a dependency. I can create a PR if others can confirm this issue.