There is a new pull request by CameronNemo against master on the void-packages repository R-cran-updates R cran updates - R-cran-R6: update to 2.5.1 - R-cran-cli: update to 3.2.0 - R-cran-colorspace: update to 2.0r3 - R-cran-cpp11: update to 0.4.2 - R-cran-crayon: update to 1.5.0 - R-cran-digest: update to 0.6.29 - R-cran-dplyr: update to 1.0.8 - R-cran-ellipsis: update to 0.3.2 - R-cran-fansi: update to 1.0.2 - R-cran-farver: update to 2.1.0 - R-cran-generics: update to 0.1.2 - R-cran-glue: update to 1.6.2 - R-cran-isoband: update to 0.2.5 - R-cran-labeling: update to 0.4.2 - R-cran-lifecycle: update to 1.0.1 - R-cran-magrittr: update to 2.0.2 - R-cran-pillar: update to 1.7.0 - R-cran-rlang: update to 1.0.2 - R-cran-svglite: update to 2.1.0 - R-cran-systemfonts: update to 1.0.4 - R-cran-tibble: update to 3.1.6 - R-cran-tidyselect: update to 1.1.2 - R-cran-utf8: update to 1.2.2 - R-cran-vctrs: update to 0.3.8 - R-cran-viridisLite: update to 0.4.0 - R-cran-withr: update to 2.5.0 @luhann #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** A patch file from is attached