New issue by Sigma-One on void-packages repository Description: `fortune-mod` by default includes the so-called "offensive jokes" module, installed in `/usr/share/fortunes/off`. This includes quite literal databases of racist, misogynist, homophobic, and more quotes, which probably are not a good idea to include in this day and age and I would suggest patching them out for both PR and ethical reasons. Potential solutions are either to remove the entire "offensive jokes" module, or modify it to remove the worst offenders as it does also include regular dark humour which is not intended to discriminate against a specific already discriminated against group (albeit is, obviously, dark humour, and could possibly be worth splitting into a separate optional package?). Other distributions such as Debian include this module in it's own package, however I do not think this would be necessary, as those who for whatever reason desire to have these highly discriminatory "jokes" can trivially write a template and build a module package for their own use.