New issue by TeusLollo on void-packages repository Description: Warning: This issue has also been posted to MangoHud developers, here. As such, there's some degree of copy-paste: ### System * xuname: Void 5.15.41_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate rFFFF GPU Architecture: AMD Polaris 20 GPU on GCN 4.0 architecture Drivers: AMDGPU OpenSource + MESA RADV + AMD RADV OpenSource Libraries: Mesa 21.3.7, Mesa-Dri 21.3.7 Mesa-Vulkan-Radeon 21.3.7, Mesa-Vulkan-Overlay-Layer 21.3.7 * package: MangoHud- MangoHud-32bit- ### Expected behavior MangoHud Used to work perfectly on package version MangoHud-0.6.5_1 when run through the Lutris interface. It would manifest itself as an overlay into a compatible application run through the Wine-Stack. ### Actual behavior CTD to desktop of the entire Wine-Stack and Wine-Server when MangoHud is enabled through the Lutris advanced interface (Output below). If MangoHud is simply disabled into the Lutris advanced interface, none of that happens, yet obviously this prevents actual MangoHud usage. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior Currently, MangoHud appears completely non-functional since v. update on my system, causing CTDs. When trying to run a Windows application on Lutris through Wine, with MangoHud enabled through the Lutris advanced interface, I get an output similar to this (My actual username was redacted and replaced with a generic "Username"), and subsequently a CTD of the entire Wine-Stack and Wine-Server: lutris-wrapper: Tomb Raider II Started initial process 6636 from mangohud /home/username/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-6.21-6-x86_64/bin/wine /home/username/Games/Tomb Raider II/Tomb2.exe Start monitoring process. /home/username/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-6.21-6-x86_64/bin/wine: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/mangohud/ undefined symbol: _ZN6spdlog5sinks18rotating_file_sinkISt5mutexEC1ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEjjb Monitored process exited. Initial process has exited (return code: 32512) All processes have quit Exit with return code 32512 Although this output utilizes "Tomb2.exe", this happens with all kinds of windows applications relying upon Direct3D7-8-9-10-11, as far as I can test. Thus, all kinds of Direct3D applications seem to be affected (Don't have Direct3D12 applications to test). The "undefined symbol" seems also to vary depending on utilized .ext, but this is probably to be expected. This output also happens both with the generic WineD3D wrapper (When compatible with the executable), and with DXVK. Thus, wrappers seem not to affect output. Although the output mentions "lutris-6.21-6-x86_64" Wine version, I can confirm this happens also on lutris-7.2-x86_64 Wine version (Most recent Wine version on Lutris). Similarly, this also happens on older Lutris-Wine versions. Wine version thus seems not to affect output. No CTDs happen if MangoHud is disabled through the Lutris advanced interface. Can confirm MangoHud-0.6.5_1 (Previous package installed on my system) was working perfectly. Although I could technically revert package version, I'll hold unto if developers need some further outputs. Only similar issues I could find is the following: Except, compared to the aforementioned GitHub issue, MangoHud is non-functional ALSO in Lutris on my end, and I'm away from my Steam machine, thus I can't test MangoHud with Steam. Kind Regards to the Void Linux Team, and Thank You for your work. Sorry for the copy-paste, but I believe it was a good explanation.