There is a new pull request by 0x5c against master on the void-packages repository remove-importlib_metadata python3-importlib_metadata: remove. python3-importlib_metadata is a backport of new-ish importlib APIs for python versions under 3.10 (3.8 in some cases). Since Void already has python 3.10, the backport is completely unused. The only packages depending on this were `python3-pymediainfo` (before #38205) and `python3-keyring` (before 051838657f2d7f1fb6674588ebe192e2db170eb7). This package is also the only thing using `python3-zipp`, a similar backport of `zipfile.Path` from py3.11. Since nothing in the repos is using it, I'd be tempted to remove it as well but I am not sure if I should. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** A patch file from is attached