New issue by Animeshz on void-packages repository Description: ### Package name dhall ### Package homepage ### Description Dhall is a [programmable configuration language]( that you can think of as: JSON + functions + types + imports. `dhall`, `dhall-json`, `dhall-yaml` are the main attractions, in which you can do dynamic stuffs like import other dhall files merely through http or local path, along with sha verification ```dhall let Prelude = sha256:6b90326dc39ab738d7ed87b970ba675c496bed0194071b332840a87261649dcd let mapper = λ(v: Text) -> "Hi " ++ v let values = [ "a", "b" ] in { val = Text Text mapper values } -- { val = [ "Hi a", "Hi b" ] } -- dhall-to-json thisfile -- { "val": [ "Hi a", "Hi b" ] } ``` ### Does the requested package meet the package requirements? Compiled ### Is the requested package released? Yes