New issue by hervyqa on void-packages repository Description: ### Package name o3de ### Package homepage ### Description Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is a modular, open source, cross-platform 3D engine built to power anything from AAA games to cinema-quality 3D worlds to high-fidelity simulations. No fees or commercial obligations. Apache 2.0-licensed. Managed by The Linux Foundation. O3DE also requires some additional library packages to be installed (apt packages): - libglu1-mesa-dev - libxcb-xinerama0 - libxcb-xinput0 - libxcb-xinput-dev - libxcb-xfixes0-dev - libxcb-xkb-dev - libxkbcommon-dev - libxkbcommon-x11-dev - libfontconfig1-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libsdl2-dev - zlib1g-dev - mesa-common-dev - libssl-dev ![image1]( ![image2]( ### Does the requested package meet the package requirements? System, Compiled ### Is the requested package released? Yes